Our experience

Our experience

Our experience is the reason we are specialists in Antarctic Expeditions, we have been to Antarctica not once or twice but literally hundreds of times over the last 20 years. We have Travelled aboard the very expedition ships which you will find on this website and which we recommend for your Antarctic Expedition. Our unique experience as guides, lecturers and expedition leaders means we have seen beyond the marketing hype and glossy brochures to how the ships and expeditions actually operate.

From voyages aboard 50 passenger former research vessels’ travelling to the remote shores of East Antarctica or the Ross Sea to luxury expeditions aboard the latest additions to the Antarctic Expedition fleet we have been aboard, experienced the product and in most cases been leading the voyages as well.

It is this knowledge and expertise garnered over more than 20 years in the field that we call upon when considering your options and assisting you with your Antarctic Expedition Experience.